Ladder Safety

It’s a great day at The Exit Light Company, and we’re happy to present our weekly safety meeting topic – Ladder Safety. At one point or another, your employees will use a ladder of some kind. Whether it is a small step ladder or 12 foot long straight ladder, safety is a concern, and prevention through awareness the best way to address it.
For this meeting, it is beneficial to have a volunteer to show the proper way to climb a ladder. Before you get your volunteer and have them climb, make sure to check that your ladder is in good condition. There should be no broken, cracked or missing rails and they should be free of slippery substances on the rungs. Your demonstration should have your volunteer set up the ladder on solid footing, against a solid support. The base of the ladder should be about 12” out from the wall for every 4 feet of height.
Make sure your volunteer doesn’t have any oil, grease or mud on their shoes and have them climb the ladder slowly, facing it and using both hands. If tools need to be carried to the top, using a toolbelt will allow the employee to climb the ladder without needing to compromise the grip of the ladder. Have them climb back down the same way.
While reaching at the top of a ladder, do not allow sideways movement. If the desired object cannot be reached, climb down and move the ladder over. The ladder should be used by one person at a time, additional people on the same ladder may alter the balance and cause a fall.
Through your demonstration, employees should now have a much better understanding of how to properly use a ladder – and don’t forget – While on a ladder, never step back to admire your work!